Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spiritual Self-Reliance

I am now negotiating with Non-Duality press to publish "Myth of the Ego" and my latest book, "Spiritual Self-Reliance" together in one volume. Since I wrote "Blessed Disillusionment," there have been many changes in my personal life and the way I see things. I passed the manuscript for SSR to them a few days ago so it's very fresh material for me and illustrates where I'm at currently.

Here's something I posted on facebook last night about being in love with the mystery of life:

"Free from belief in limiting concepts, I live as unbounded life. No safety net. No tightrope. The wholeness of life in this moment lives itself as me. No position to be defended or forced. No shortfall or surplus. This, just as it is, enough. No description necessary to be. The mystery fills the horizon and circumference of space in even the quietest moments. The fact of existence itself, absolutely inexplicable. Nothing to buy or sell. It blows my mind how nothing I know. Eyes look outward again and again in wonderment. This is impossible. Entirely. Entirety. Eternity."
