If we look at the image below, the top graphic is an illustration of the standard way that modern human beings view the world. There is the idea that they, as a body/mind organism are viewing a world outside of themselves. This feeling of being apart from the world also gives rise to desire and fear - fear that "things" in the world will hurt them and the desire that "things" will bring a feeling of completion. It seems to be worthwhile to look directly and see if this model is correct.
In our direct (non-conceptual) experience, is anything apart from anything else? Looking at what we call "the world", are objects in their own separate boxes or does one thing connect and touch everything else? Could we even notice different objects if things were truly separate? Isn't it the contrast between things IN CONTACT that lets us see anything? Is the awareness that percieves objects apart from them? Does anything appear outside of consciousness (such as in deep sleep)? So, what is being pointed to is that awareness and objects of perception, are not separate but one, indivisible whole. It is only from mistaking arising concepts for reality that we believe otherwise.
All objects, including the sensations and thoughts that we call the body and mind are dependent on awareness, without which they couldn't be percieved. This simple sentience is what gives birth to the appearance of the universe and, at heart, is what we truly are, what every "thing" is. There is nothing but this infinite, eternal being.
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