Monday, March 21, 2011

How to be a successful modern guru

First off, claim that you have achieved a state called "enlightenment", then, claim that you have the ability to show others how to "achieve" it. You'll have seekers banging down your door all times of the day and night trying to get close to the special "enlightened one". Claim to have special powers, to be able to make ashes appear from your fingertips or to walk on water. Only surround yourself with people who worship you and who you can mistreat without pissing them off because their self esteem is so low. Take the highest seat in the room and wear special clothing that distinguishes you from everyone else. Talk about renunciation while owning a fleet of sports cars and wearing astronomically expensive jewelery. Talk about celibacy while taking the "choicest fruits" of your flock for your own pleasure. Talk about how everything you do is without ego while demanding that you are always the center of attention and in control of the minute details of your follower's lives.

This game goes on all the time. Does this have anything to do with truth? Of course not. Who could be nearer to God than you are at this moment? The stream of thoughts (arising from source) conceptually dissect life and, when we mistake these projections for reality, we believe in limitation and separation, but, in the absence of such ideas, there is simply boundless being.

There is no mind to be in bondage. There is no separate self. Laboring under the weight of these concepts is suffering. With or without these beliefs, the aware presence that is the source of all creation shines and appears as the ever-changing kaleidoscopic universe of experience. Nothing is apart from that.

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