Saturday, April 23, 2011


Bliss is not a sensory experience. Many seekers have the idea that bliss is a state that one can reach where they will be happy and feel good all of the time. When, after many years of various spiritual and devotional techniques, they still haven't achieved this permanent state, they may wonder why. The reason is that no thought, feeling or perception is eternal.

Bliss is that which underlies and is aware of the objects of experience. It is the ever present field of being. Every thing is only an appearance of this backdrop--everything. While the images and thought forms are fixated on, there is a tendency to get lost in the dramas and conflicts that appear but, when it is seen that all arises within undivided consciousness, then ideas of struggle cease and only naked presence remains. This presence shines all of the events of life into manifestation with equanimity. No sensation or experience is favored above any other. Even in the "bad" or painful happenings, what we really are remains at peace. This is bliss.

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