Thursday, July 14, 2011

What the seeker is after

What the seeker is after is an experience that they feel will make themselves complete. When the ego idea is seen as a reality, there is a feeling of separation and lack. From this sense of lack, one either seeks satisfaction in "material" existence or they conjure up an image that there is "something else out there" that will make them happy and satisfied. This can lead to years, decades and even a lifetime of searching for that "something". One may have read certain descriptions of enlightenment and even have a very specific idea of what it will be like.

There are many who have amazing experiences and intense spiritual visions. After these, what happens? One comes back to "everyday" reality, of course. All experience is fleeting. The thing that is missed in all of this seeking is the most obvious aspect of existence--being. This is the constant in a seemingly ever-changing life. When the ego idea isn't believed in, being is unobscured and living is natural and effortless. When one's life is no longer dominated by thought then it can truly be said "All there is is God.", the words aren't necessary though--one doesn't need them to be.

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