Friday, December 16, 2011


When we let go of words, they come back to serve us.

There are times when I think about talking about non-duality or answering questions and, in these moments, I struggle to find the right words to express it. There might be some "cookie-cutter" non duality platitudes that I think to myself: "It's all oneness" or whatever. It's a pointless exercise. I find the clearest expressions come through when one lets the words come out by themselves. The unprepared answer is the most honest and applicable to the situation or question. One becomes a conduit for speaking and finds that they can express things that they don't even consciously know. The conscious mind can hold an amazing amount of information but it is still and always limited. The empty awareness holds ALL knowledge and experience, I find that it can express itself better than an imaginary "me" ever could.

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