Since the last time I posted, my outlook has changed considerably. Over a couple of decades of seeking, I managed to internalize a lot of ideas. I find that clear seeing requires not being under the sway of ANY concepts, no matter how "spiritual" they are or good they make us feel. Though the philosophy of Advaita (non duality) is often seen as the "end of the road" I found myself even questioning that set of concepts and beliefs. At a certain point it struck me how little I actually know. It was very humbling because it was clear to me that, in that moment, I knew NOTHING yet I still WAS. It became clear to me that, for adherents of it, even non duality is a belief system. Admittedly, it can be a powerful pointer--the very notion that nothing is separate, but I find myself to be most clear when NO ideas are clung to.
I have shared this realization with some non duality folks on facebook and it has mostly gone over like a fart in church. We of course get invested in our identities, even when the identity is the idea that we don't have an identity!
Existence doesn't require any thoughts or descriptions, these mental formulations are secondary and this is where most if not all of the problems in our lives lay--that we mistake ideas for truth.When that quits happening life is experienced as wholeness. All divisions lie in thought. Of course there is no actual separation between consciousness and what appears within it: life.
It is easy to speak absolutely when one has learned how to. Nisargadatta did this very often. Though I have found much of what he said to be helpful, I have to question if he actually knew with absolute certainty everything he was saying... I doubt it!
Hey Morgan - how refreshing in the nonduality asheville world. If you're starting to doubt that anything called "nonduality" is "it" - that's an incredibly refreshing re-evolution.
write me at if you get a chance.
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Thanks Don. I'll take a look at your site and write you sometime. Peace. :)
Hi Morgan,
Just ran into some of your writings, I like your honesty and curiosity! It’s an interesting point you’re making. Perhaps the reason why your suggestion, that even the nondual ideas are still a fabrication like any concept, was not accepted by many readers is that to do so requires a clear recognition that there is no separate self. And/or at least a strong sense that there is an absolute difference between direct experience, what is as it is, and thoughts “about” what is. (and neither recognition is achieved intellectually).
Also an interesting point about Nisargadatta. In my case, I’ve been exploring the way things are after both of these recognitions occur. I find myself questioning many accounts of the conclusion of enlightenment or awakening, even by highly regarded teachers. I find that a sort of “cleaning out” process continues around existing beliefs after awakening from separate self illusion takes place. It would be nice to talk further my friend!
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