In some lives, at a certain point, there arises the idea: "This is not the way things should be." and, the seeker is "born". After this, one usually has some idea of what would make things better, perhaps a change in personality or maybe something being "fixed" in "the world". This is seen as being the key to an imagined future state of happiness. The future state never arrives, though, and we find ourselves stuck with a "flawed" universe and suffering.
The very resistance to life and the concept that it is imperfect is what creates suffering. This resistance is nothing more than the ego idea in action. When it is seen that the ego is nothing more than a passing thought then struggle and psychic pain end because, whatever arises is nothing less than the appearance of the absolute, even the things we consider "imperfect".
This is not to say then that one merrily accepts all of the questionable things that appear like war, child exploitation and destruction of the environment. When one is confronted with these happenings and reacts with disgust, THAT is also an appearance of the divine energy. Whatever arises is watched without any concept of personal involvement or preference and it is found that life is functioning effortlessly and without any individual input. This happens silently and without commentary and it is not disturbed when thoughts inevitably arise. Preferences, even the preference to not have preferences, are illusory manifestations of the ego idea. Attachment, even to non-attachment, would only be another symptom of this.
God is perfectly realized in life, as life and the knowing presence that all arises in. The dream of form and matter don't change who you are one bit. It has never been divided. Wholeness reigns supreme. The infinite has never been broken. Our personal experience bears this out, unless we mistake the spontaneously arising thought commentary for truth, then there can be confusion over the matter.
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