Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The end of suffering

The end of suffering is the realization that there is no one who suffers. Without the belief in an individual who is capable of suffering, without something it is supposedly in reference to, it ceases. In the clear field of being, psychic pain has nothing to plant its roots in--it can't take hold. Emptiness is incapable of suffering as an object or a person as such things are only an abstraction of that which is unbroken and whole. This aware emptiness is what we are, right now! This is not merely a philosophical idea. If we look at our own experience, without getting lost in mentation, we find that there is a knowing presence in which thoughts and sensations of body and universe appear. This presence usually isn't conscious of itself as it isn't an object of knowledge, but it's obvious that it is here. It is everywhere that is anywhere for, without it, nowhere or no one would appear!

If one felt the need for scientific proof of non duality, they only need to look to modern physics. It is pointed out that matter is really energy. Though we think we perceive a world of "solid", "separate" objects, apart from us, we find that the world of form is only a movement of energy and, without consciousness, it wouldn't appear at all! In the absence of conceptual thought, peace and wholeness reign, without even being known as such. Without the unreal fragmentation imagined in thought, suffering can't arise. Thoughts will come and go but, without being mistaken for reality, they aren't problematic. 

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