Thursday, November 10, 2011

The personal is the perfect expression of the infinite

With the human species, it seems that the development of the ego obscures our unity with all things and their source. We can trace back all of our "problems" to this idea of separation. Why did such a concept arise? In the appearance, humans have a highly (some might say "over") developed brain and the capacity for abstract thought. This ability to think abstractly is useful in solving functional problems but we don't stop there, we try to understand ourselves and the universe we live in with it. This leads to a self image and then a concept of the universe, apart from oneself. This is the primary (first) dualistic notion from which all others arise. While living under this assumption of separation, life seems extremely complex and fearsome as one has become identified with a particular body/mind appearance and fears its destruction.

What has really happened, though? We're we ever apart? Of course not. Even from a purely materialistic standpoint, we are intimately connected to the universe from the moment of conception. The body is nothing other than the elements of the planet configured in a certain pattern and we would die in moments without air, water and food. Take a step further and you are in the unified field of physics where all matter is really just energy in motion and we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

So what is life? Why is all of this happening? Did God make a huge mistake by creating humanity, inviting evil into the world? No. Everything that appears, including the human race with all of it's ignorance and knowledge, beauty and ugliness is the perfect expression of the infinite. It is all the only way it can be. Humans have done what any species would do given our capabilities. It is leading to a mass-extinction event as have happened before in Earth's history. We ARE a mass-extinction event. At the same time, many people are waking up to the fact that we aren't separate from nature or eachother. Whatever happens, though, is the appearance of God. Every human with all of their particular quirks and traits is the expression of the divine. Even the sense of individuality, the ego, is a totally impersonal arising.

There is no way you can lose oneness. You can be ignorant of it but that doesn't mean you aren't part of it. Whatever you think you are, you are God playing a role. To harm another or to harm the planet is to harm yourself. There's no point in making an image of any of this. The awareness by which you know the world is the absolute. You are that without question.

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