Friday, November 25, 2011

What is already present

The thought of a future enlightenment keeps one distracted from what is already present.

While identified with a certain portion of the appearance that we call "me", we feel isolated, limited and afraid. This contraction doesn't feel good or right (it's a dis-ease), so we seek a way out of it. Some "spiritual teachers" might have some suggestions how we achieve awakening to escape this state of suffering. In the hoping and striving for that better future state, we miss what is already the case, here and now. 

The "me" is just a thought story. It is a conceptual bundling of certain perceptions into a nonexistent separate self. If that story is not believed in or pauses for a moment then it is seen that there is an open, sentient space in which thoughts and other forms appear. This openness knows no boundaries or limitations and has no problems. This is what we are, not the fleeting images. Please don't take my word for it though, look for yourself. Any believed in concept, including that of non-duality is detrimental to direct seeing. Being (shared by all) is not a concept.

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